Free map based front and backend for LoRaWAN© devices.


Add your LoRaWAN sensor

Use the QR code which was shipped with our devices or add it from the templates or each each parameter by yourself.


We register your node at TheThingsNetwork

After adding your node to TTNMAP, all details of your new node is used to register youryour device or node as we call it, at the Application,Network and Join Server of TheThingsNetwork

Your sensor data is collected into our cloud

Your sensor sends its measured data to one of the ten tousands of LoRaWAN© gateways or even your locally installed one. The gateways forwards these data oder Internet to TheThingsNetwork which will route the final payload to our cloud servers.


View and analyze your data

No fancy widgets and  dozends of options. We store your sensor data and make it 24/7 available for your in an simple and easy user frontend. Get important data in one view.

Share it with other users

We want to support open data and so you have the ability to expose your node data as public on the map, making its data available for every one


Get notified when limits are reached

TTNMAP offers several alarming options tht allows you to get notfied on each incident that may of interest for you. This not only includes thresholds, but also moitoring of meta data like message drop outs and loss of wireless signal strength




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